Roll a Six-Sided Die to Determine Your Future

One ⚜︎ One
Listen—the carrionsong, the meaty chorus,
song of bones. Each ugly thing has use
and even a fractured squat of roadkill
is loved by the crow.

Lucky Numbers: 71, 41, -8, 4.9
Inauspicious Day: Acorn harvest, Oct 1st

Two ⚜︎ Two
Part the veil of bluebottles, summer’s hum
with laburnum bright on the bough,
wheat in the fields nodding their heads.
Good things are coming. Hold on.

Lucky Numbers: Four and a half. Only that.
Inauspicious Day: Yesterday

Three ⚜︎ Three
There is a saint of ginnels and alleys,
the crush of a crisp packet, the last
glint from a cigarette. Someone is out
in the cry of the night, listening—

Lucky Numbers: ∞
Inauspicious Day: Feast of Spinsters, Nov 25th

Four ⚜︎ Four
Today is the Dance of St. Clavicle.
Old bones, once interred, always
rise slowly to the surface. Time
does not always bury, but reveals.

Lucky Numbers: 25, 7, Solve for x
Inauspicious Day: 5th July (Old Midsummer)

Five ⚜︎ Five
Each winter is the slow process
of forgetting, again crocuses turn
their faces to the sun, spring arrives
unwatched, unfurling, unbidden.

Lucky Numbers: c2 = a2+b2 = b2+b2 = 2b2
Inauspicious Day: Martinmas Eve, Nov 10th

Six ⚜︎ Six
The cell-phone peep of a starling’s song:
something new in the wind, a fox’s cry,
a loose roof tile. Weather foul or weather
fair, go carefully and beware.

Lucky Numbers: 81, 32, 6, √2√2
Inauspicious Day: St. Laurence’s Day, Aug 10th